Smart introduced the new mobile messenger “Uzzap”

July 7, 2008 at 2:50 am (Mobile, Uncategorized)

Yesterday, Smart introduced the new mobile messenger called “Uzzap”. It includes sms capability, sending emails, login to your yahoo and msn acoount, and unique chatrooms. It also has a feature called auto buddy matching where it loads your phonebook and search your contacts if they are already uzzap buddies. Uzzap has a lot of features. You can also personalize your uzzap. You can change your status, go on silent mode, change themes and more! You can also group your buddies. It also has search bar that can search your contacts easily. This uzzap is the most useful messenger.

Uzzap is a pc-pc, pc-phone and vice versa mobile messenger. Click here to download uzzap or text UZZAP send to 7272.

Go to for more details.

Main Menu of Uzzap

Users Manual:

You can install it in symbian, java phones, linux, windows xp and windows vista.

How to set your gprs using smart simcard:
Key in SET GPRS and send to 211.
Example: If you have a Nokia 6230, that’s “SET MMS N6230”
To activate SMART GPRS:
Key in “GPRS ON” and send to “333″

Benifits of Uzzap:
1. Unlimited Chat
2. Send Email
3. Connect to Yahoo
4. Connect to MSN
5. Send SMS
6. Auto Buddy Matching
7. Can store your phonebook contacts
8. Public Chatrooms
9. Private Chatrooms
10. GSM Call ( available on 3rd edition phones)
and many more..
Anywhere,anytime you can chat your friends easily.

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